I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Dipartimento di Scienze economico-sociali e matematico-statistiche (ESOMAS) of the Università degli Studi di Torino (UNITO) also affiliated at Collegio Carlo Alberto working with Dr. Giovanni Rebaudo on state-space models theory and applications.

Before that I was senior research associate at Lancaster University collaborating with Prof. Paul Fearnhead and Prof. Chris Jewell, and supported by Bayes4Health (EPSRC grant EP/R018561/1) and the DRUM project.

The mountains taught me not to cheat, to be honest with myself and with what I was doing - W. Bonatti

# Latest news

Composite likelihood for HHM can be a winning strategy when combined with Monte Carlo simulations. SimBa-CL is going to be published in Statistics and Computing, see the preprint.

Our paper on evolving Bayesian neural nets as the hidden process of a state-space model has been published by Entropy, check it here.

Clustering and tree-based algorithms can be exploited to automatically segment and classify point clouds of road tunnels, this fun engineering application with my brother Nicola Rimella and Prof. Anna Osello has been published by Automation in Construction, check it here.

Calibration of individual-based model has never been this easy! Check our preprint on Categorical Approximate Likelihood.

Check out my latest preprint on using Hierarchical Dirichlet Process to estimate disclosure risk, a joint work with Dr. Marco Battiston.

Rating skills in competitve sports is challenging, but it is not too bad if you use state-space models! Our paper got accepted by JRSSC, check it here.

I will be moving soon to the Università degli studi di Torino (UNITO), if you want to contact me please use the email address: lorenzo.rimella@unito.it.


Below some useful links. Feel free to drop me an email or if you are around Lancaster University you can find me in Office B09.