# Education and work
I completed my B.Sc. in Mathematics for Finance and Insurance; and M.Sc. in Stochastics and Data Science; at UNITO (Università degli Studi di Torino) in the metropolitan city of Torino (capital of the Kingdom of Italy in 1861). During my postgraduate studies, I was also an "Allievo" at Collegio Carlo Alberto, which awarded me with a Master in Statistics and Applied Mathematics. From September 2017 to May 2021 I was lucky enough to be a PhD student at the University of Bristol amazingly supervised by Prof. Nick Whiteley. During my PhD I was also an enrichment student at The Alan Turing Institute of London. Currently, I am a Senior Research Associate at Lancaster Univeristy working on the development of new statistical methodologies with a focus on epidemiological applications. I also served as the organizer of the Computational Statistics and Machine Learning (CSML) reading group at Lancaster University, but now the new king is Estevao Batista Do Prado. Please do not hesitate to contact him or me if you are interested in giving a talk.

# Personal interests
I enjoy hiking in the nature especially when it is challenging. I have climbed nine of the 82 summits of the Alps that are above 4000 metres and I hope to continue climbing more as long as my legs and climate change permit. Since I was a teenager, training is part of my life, but only in the last few years I started focusing more on weightlifting and a well-balanced diet. Along with hiking and weightlifting, I am also a big fan of climbing and calisthenics. Like many scientists, I take board games seriously, especially if they are complex and competitive. For any fellow nerds reading this, I would highly recommend the following games:


Below some useful links. Feel free to drop me an email or if you are around Lancaster University you can find me in Office B09.