I am interested in multiple aspects of computational statistics and in the development of novel methodologies. My area of research falls under the general domain of “high-dimensional filtering”, with epidemiology as a real-world application (see section “Area of interests” for more details). I am also an avid programmer, with knowledge of C++, R, and Python.
# List of publications and preprints
Simulation Based Composite Likelihood, by L. Rimella, C. Jewell, P. Fearnhead (Statistics and Computing)
Hidden Markov Neural Networks, by L. Rimella, N. Whiteley (Entropy)
Machine Learning Method for As-Is Tunnels Information Model Reconstruction, by N. Rimella, L. Rimella, A. Osello (Automation in Construction)
A State-Space Perspective on Modelling and Inference for Online Skill Rating, by S. Duffield, S. Power, L. Rimella (JRSS:Series C)
Key environmental exposure pathways to antimicrobial resistant bacteria in southern Malawi: A SaniPath approach, by T. Mwapasa, K. Chidziwisano, M. Mphasa, D. Cocker, L. Rimella, S. Amos, N. Feasey, T. Morse (STOTEN)
Approximating optimal SMC proposal distributions in individual-based epidemic models, by L. Rimella, C. Jewell, P. Fearnhead (Statistica Sinica)
Consistent and fast inference in compartmental models of epidemics using Poisson Approximate Likelihoods, by M. Whitehouse, N. Whiteley, L. Rimella (JRSS:Series B)
Inference on Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae data through SMC2, by L. Rimella, S. Alderton, M. Sammarro, B. Rowlingson, D. Cocker, N. Feasey, P. Fearnhead, C. Jewell (JRSS:Series C)
Exploiting locality in high-dimensional factorial hidden Markov models, by L. Rimella, N. Whiteley (JMLR)
Inference in stochastic epidemic models via multinomial approximations, by N. Whiteley, L. Rimella (AISTAT)
Scalable calibration for partially observed individual-based epidemic models through categorical approximations, by L. Rimella, N. Whiteley, C. Jewell, P. Fearnhead, M. Whitehouse (preprint)
Disclosure risk assessment with Bayesian non-parametric hierarchical modelling, by M. Battiston, L. Rimella (preprint)
# Area of interests 1- Hidden Markov models
filtering, smoothing and inference when scaling up to high-dimensions
2- Monte Carlo methods
Sequential Monte Carlo and the development of smart proposal distributions and resampling schemes
3- Epidemiological modelling
compartmental models in epidemiology at both population and individuals level
4- Deep Learning
training different architecture of neural networks (Bayesian or not) to solve complex tasks
Below some useful links. Feel free to drop me an email or if you are around Lancaster University you can find me in Office B09.